
Alfrink, K. (2025, March 17). Contestable AI: Designing for human control in public artificial intelligence systems [Invited in-house lecture]. Advisory Board on Open Government and Information Management (ACOI). The Hague, The Netherlands.

Alfrink, K. (2025, March 6). Contestable AI: Building Democratic Control Over Public Artificial Intelligence [Invited public lecture]. CMDonderdag. Communication and Multimedia Design Amsterdam. The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2025, February 19). Contestable AI: Building Democratic Control Over Public Artificial Intelligence [Invited publicly accessible company presentation]. The Green Land. Utrecht, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2024, December 13). [Conference panel contribution]. In R. Bendor. (2024). Rethink Design: Book Launch and Panel Discussion on Designing With AI. TH/NGS 2024. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. LINK

Alfrink, K. (2024, October 22). Towards a realist AI design practice? [Conference panel presentation]. In M. Funk. (2024). Evolving Perspectives on AI and Design. Design and AI symposium. Dutch Design Week. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. LINK

Alfrink, K. (2024, September 27). On the making of “Envisioning Contestability Loops” [Conference panel presentation]. In K. Prifti. (2024). Methods in law and technology research: inter- and cross-disciplinary challenges and opportunities. Lawtomation Days. Madrid, Spain. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2024, September 5). Contestability Loops for Public AI [Workshop]. ThingsCon Salon. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Alfrink, K. (2024, September 3). Beyond Transparency: The Case for Contestable AI Systems [Presentation]. CLEVER°FRANKE AI Meetup. Utrecht, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2024, July 9). Democratizing AI Through Continuous Adaptability: The Role of DevOps [Conference panel presentation]. In M.E. Noorman. (2024). The mutual shaping of democratic practices & AI. TILTing Perspectives 2024. Tilburg, The Netherlands. LINK

Morales Ornelas, H.C. & Alfrink, K. (2024, June 4). AI Pedagogy Through a Design Lens [Workshop]. TU Delft Spring Symposium on AI Education. Delft, The Netherlands. LINK

Alfrink, K. (2024, May 23). Contestable Artificial Intelligence: Constructive design research for public artificial intelligence systems that are open and responsive to dispute [PhD defense layman’s talk]. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. VIDEO PDF

Alfrink, K. (2024, February 21). Contestable AI: Designing for Human Autonomy [Presentation]. Amsterdam UX Meetup, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2023, August 23). Contestable AI for urban intelligence [Presentation]. BRIDE Project closing event, Delft, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2023, April 25). Contestable Camera Cars: A Speculative Design Exploration of Public AI That Is Open and Responsive to Dispute [Presentation]. CHI 2023. Hamburg, Germany. VIDEO PDF PAPER

Alfrink, K. (2023, April 20). Contestable AI by Design: Towards a Framework [Presentation]. NWO ICT.OPEN 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2023, February 16). Contestable AI by Design [Presentation]. Responsible Sensing Lab anniversary event, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2022, May 17). Contestability by Design, or: arguing with a bridge [Presentation]. Smarter Bridges, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2022, March 2). Meaningful Human Control Through Contestability by Design [Presentation]. AiTech Agora, Delft, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2022, February 17). Contestable AI & Civic Co-Design [Conference panel presentation]. In R. Bendor. (2022). Co-designing urban futures with the public. Reinventing the City. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2021, November 18). Contestable Drones [Presentation]. Responsible Drones, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2021, October 6–7). Contestable Urban Sensing [Presentation]. Data Transparency in Public Space Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2021, June 29). Contestable City Algorithms [Conference workshop presentation]. In Lupetti, M.L., Smit, I., Nicenboim, I., Huisman, G., Fosch-Villaronga, E., Bedö, V., & Jongeling, M. (2021). Subversive Citizen Manual for the More-Than-Human City. MAB20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Schouwenaar, M. & Alfrink, K. (2021, March 8–19). Designing Citizen Interactions for Urban Technology Systems [Workshop]. Mozilla Festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Alfrink, K. (2021, March 18). No Transparency Without Contestability [Statement]. Première Transparent Charging Station documentary, online. Transcript

Schouwenaar, M. & Alfrink, K. (2021, January 28). Designing Citizen Interactions for Urban Sensing Systems [Workshop]. Launch Responsible Sensing Lab & Opening of Exhibit ‘Senses of Amsterdam’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Alfrink, K. (2019, December 12–13). Designing Smart Public Infrastructure for Contestability [Presentation]. ThingsCon 2019, Amsterdam, NL. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2019, November 7–8). From Smartness to Cityness: Towards A Holistic Notion of Urban Intelligence [Presentation]. 4TU.Ethics Conference 2019, Eindhoven, NL. PDF

Alfrink, K. (2019, September 18–19). Contestable Infrastructures [Presentation]. Beyond Smart Cities Today, Amsterdam, NL. PDF

Turèl, T., & Alfrink, K. (2019, June 19). Contestable Infrastructures: Designing for Dissent in Smart Public Objects [Presentation]. We Make the City, Amsterdam, NL. PDF

Shuldiner, A., & Alfrink, K. (2018, December 6–7). Seeing Like a Bridge [Conference workshop]. ThingsCon, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.